Make a difference for the next generation of journalists today image

Make a difference for the next generation of journalists today

Your local communities depend on it

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The future of journalism is bright, and with your help, we can make it even brighter

We're proud of the work we've done so far to support the next generation of journalists: more than $1 million in scholarships and fellowships have supported more than 500 young journalists since 1970. But, we want to do more.

Journalism is so critical to an informed democracy, and we need your help to make sure we're doing all we can to ensure that those who practice the craft in the future are ready to continue fighting the good fight.

That's why we're so passionate about asking for your help to support the next generation of journalists. Will you chip in?

Each year, we're inspired and encouraged about the future of journalism through the incredible efforts of our scholarship and fellowship winners. They're working on amazing things, and we're sure the industry is in good hands.

We know we can do more, and that's exactly why we need your help to do more this year. Giving is quick and easy, and we'd love to have you stand alongside us to support the next generation of journalists.

The future of journalism is bright, and with your help, we can make it even brighter.